We're moving my 85 year old father into an independent living apartment in Spokane. I'm here now, and life is good. However, my training so far has amounted to less than stellar eating habits (Back to the future), and my first ride will be tomorrow morning. The garage sale was wildly successful. We made nearly two hundred dollars, and most of all, we got rid of several items which means less schlepping to the Thrift Center. On Sunday we tried for a day of rest. We visited Margaret's (Dad's wife of fifty two years, and then we tried to watch golf. Soon, however, we were packing and sorting. I got on the bike Monday morning for 20 miles. A string of spectacular mountains (Mt. Hood, Mt. Jefferson, The Sisters) were shimmering under a bright blue sky. Excellent! Dad's move progresses. By the time my brother arrives with his trailer, the workload will be easy to handle. We're praying for a favorable assessment on the house today because that will insure the sale of his house. Rode another twenty on Tuesday morning. I also arranged for some of Dad's furniture to be picked up. We're also waiting for the asessor's report so we can proceed in the house sale. Pray for a willing heart. Good news! The buyer agrees to take care of the FHA punchlist, which takes us another step toward selling. On a training note, I got in another 20 making 60 for the week. Last night, ( Thurs.) we went to dinner at the Sullivans who have a farm nearby. They are friends of my sister, Judy. Their home is stunning. They have a clear view of all three of the prominent mountains. Dinner was absolutely fabulous and we jibber jabbered until about nine. Today, my wife, brother, and nephew will arrive. Let the chaos begin. The chaos began immediately because Tom didn't bring his trailer. We drove to Redmond and rented a U-Haul. No worries. The packing went well, as did the cleaning. We'll leave as a caravan tomorrow morning after a final bacon and egg breakfast. Still no final word on the house, and there is no sense trying to find solutions to problems you don't yet have. So as training goes, i return to my home grounds tomorrow.

Dad walking the halls as we pack his stuff.
We made $114 today. Five buck Chuck.
A couple of working fools.
Christine posing under Mt. Jefferson.
Mt. Hood in the distance.
The Three Sisters in the distance.
I may not be good looking, but I'm looking good.
Art shot from a local farmhouse.
One view from the Sullivan's living room.
Dad, Greg, and Tom resting.
Tom, making his master packing plan.
Thanks for the update and the lovely photos!! It is wonderful to see all that is happening and only wishing to be there to help in the chaos!! (something I am good at!!)