Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Lake Training 7/6-7/15

In keeping with my pledge to train in only the best places, I've moved the training site to Priest Lake, Noraville to be precise. So far, I've walked eight miles, scampering like a billy goat on the fire roads behind the cabin. I've also done a little dock training. Lakin' requires a certain pace, after all. Back at fire road walking with my best training partner. We trekked 3.5 miles Wed. Early Thurs. morning, I rode north to the end of the paved road and back (24 miles). Friday's training was a little light, just three dirt road miles. Saturday was an early morning run to the end of the pavement and back (24 miles). Good ride, about two hours. This morning, after Wimbleton, we rode 12 miles on the tandem. I cut the training short because Sunday midmorning is the busiest time on the road. It's silly to ride then. Our final day this week, we hiked the hillsides looking for Huckleberries. Found a few; always fun. Training totals this week: 60 bike. 15 miles of woods stomping. LIGET
Hoisington cabin: top spot.
Dock training.
Billy Goat Training.
Miles to go before I sleep.
My buddy on the move.
Half way.
Turn around just short of Lion Head. 
Friday's sunset, the sun ablaze in fire smoke.
Not even Superman could ride safely today.
Huckleberries were scarce, but I found a fair amount if these Mountain Blueberries.
Topped off the week with a Huckleberry Smoothie. Yum!

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