Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Nags Head, NC-Havelock, NC 10/14 170 driving miles; 7.3 walking miles

We hit the road before the rosy fingers of dawn peeled back the first light of day. First stop: back to the Kitty Hawk Starbuck's for Ed's daily cup of ambition. With our coffee clutched in our trembling hands, we drove along the outer banks road enjoying the sunrise, the sand, the tall grass, the glimpses of water-vast and blue. Enjoying another beautiful day, we arrived in Hatteras to take our first ferry, an hour ride across Pemlico Sound. Then we drove again through the sand dunes and low spots, some of which were under water just ten days ago. Our final ferry ride, a two and a half hour crossing from Ocracoke to Cedar Island, passed quickly, mostly because I had the pleasure of talking with Todd Smith ("Best human of the day"), a cyclist who is touring with his wife (Barb) from their home in New Jersey to Naples, Florida. I found myself torn between extreme envy because I wish we were still riding and extreme joy because I was chatting with a kindred spirit. We talked for most of the crossing about our sons, our fathers, our riding-accomplishments, foibles, close calls, butt pains, and spiritual joys. I constantly marvel at one aspect of the human condition: we are more alike than we are different. Todd and I shared vignette after vignette with both of us chiming in, "Me, too!" One of the best parts of this tour has been talking with various people along the way. I could easily see being friends with the Smiths if I happened to live in Jersey. It just shows that most of us are just "out here" living the dream. Clearly, life is good, especially today.
 It was all about the ferry boats today.
Ocracoke canal, slow today, but flush with boats and tourists from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Glad to be here now.
North Carolina Teaching institute, seminar in progress (Even though we're both former esteemed educators, we weren't invited to speak).
Selfie of the day: Pub Food for lunch.
We haven't renamed this tour to Fat Butt for nothing. I would avoid this kind of fare if I were not riding my Ford Fusion. But seriously, fried food is popular among the fat butts for one simple reason: stuff sizzled in hot grease smells and tastes great. As pub food goes, Howard's did an able job.
More ferry.
Goodbye outer banks.
If my camera was better, you could see the zillion birds wading in the shallows.
Today's "best" human, Todd; wife Barb (Likely another "best" human) in background.
Back on the mainland: the waterfront of Beaufort, NC.

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