Saturday, October 24, 2015

Savannah,GA-Durham, NC 10/24 450 driving miles; 5 walking miles

Bitter sweet day. We dropped the girls off at the Charleston airport which accounts for the bitter. We were left with sweet memories of the past week, and even sweeter dreams of returning home. We're now fully involved in phase three of GASBBT turned FATBBT or FLATBBT: take your pick. Eduardo, whose navigation skills seem somewhat suspect had us drive 346 miles North on our way to Key West, the nation's most Southern point. My guess is that we're headed on a humongous U-Turn designed to take us through the Great Smoky Mountains to breath some good air, eat some tender BBQ'd pig, and see some nice fall color, after which we may meander like a couple of hungry Boa Constrictors, swallowing whatever territory presents itself until we have to meet our only hard date: Fort Myers, November 17. Until then, I just say, "Where are we going today, Ed? I'm sure he'll figure out which way South is pretty soon. Until then, we're back to thin gruel and sketchy accommodations, so life is good, especially today.
A long day in the saddle and this is our reward.
This is living!
Bitter Sweet Selfie of the Day.